Cover_Rebuilding West Africas Food Potential

(Jeff_L) #1

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction 85
    1.1 Survey questions 87
    1.2 Objectives of the study 88
    1.3 Methodological approach 88
    1.4 The study’s limitations 89

  2. Retrospective analysis of the West African agricultural sector:
    constraints and development strategies 89
    2.1 Key development issues for agriculture 90
    2.2 Evolution of development strategies for agriculture in West Africa 94

  3. Recent innovations in agricultural policies 97
    3.1 Scope and limits of national investment plans 98
    3.2 Scope and limits of regional investment plan 102

  4. Strategic priorities for promoting agricultural sectors in WA 106
    4.1 The funding problem 106
    4.2 Guaranteeing access to productive resources: land, water 107
    4.3 Developing collective action 108
    4.4 Trade policy reform, promoting regional markets and reforming
    international trade regime 109
    4.5 Sectoral approach to agricultural investments: case studies 110

  5. Conclusion 113

  6. References 114

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