Chapter 4. The case of Cameroon 123
- Adopt and implement proactive national policies through increased national budgets
allocated to the agricultural sector, in accordance with the Maputo Agreement of 2003
and the CAADP. Cuts in public funding for agriculture over the past two decades have resulted in
a significant decrease in agricultural performance in the CEMAC zone. However, it should be noted
that the agricultural sector presents the best prospects for Africa to initiate capital accumulation,
productivity gain, growth and multiplier effect throughout the economy. - Reforming land tenure to allow access to land, especially in rural areas and for women and
young people.
The following table summarizes current policies in some countries of CEMAC.
Table 2. Overview of agricultural policies in some countries of the CEMAC zone
Country Issues and Challenges /
Policy Framework
Areas of intervention Action Plan
Chad Issues and Challenges:
Sustainable development of rural
production: growth of competi-
tive value chains by developing
marketing and competitiveness
of agro-silvo-pastoral products.
Strategic Framework:
National strategy for rural devel-
opment with the aim to increase
the production of the rural
economy in a sustainable way
while protecting the environment
and strengthening human and
institutional capacities.
- Create and maintain a
sustainable growth in agri-
cultural production - Support rural organizations
- Develop emerging sectors
- Improve natural resource
management - Decentralize provision of
agricultural services - Improve the public sector’s
efficiency - Improve access to basic
services for the population
and the rural economy- Increased investment in hydro-agricul-
tural and pastoral infrastructure - Expansion of access to quality agricul-
tural inputs and equipment - Extension of access to quality support
services for crop and livestock farmers - Extension of access to credit and
suitable financial services - Diversification of agricultural production,
- Improving the functioning of distri-
bution channels and markets for
products, - Development of emerging sectors
- Crop protection
- Increased investment in hydro-agricul-
Issues and Challenges:
The rural sector is the country’s
backbone for economic develop-
ment that will strengthen poverty
reduction, the fight against
food insecurity and vulnerability,
economic growth and national
Strategic Framework:
Rural sector strategy oriented
toward agricultural development
- Intensification and diver-
sification of agricultural
production - Development of profes-
sional agricultural organi-
zations and sectors - Promoting coordinated
development of local
communities and imple-
mentation of development
infrastructure - Implementation of institu-
tional reforms in the agri-
cultural and rural sector- Improve the productivity of farms,
through livestock, fisheries and forestry
rational intensification - Improve the performance of farms
through efficient production systems - Develop agricultural research
- Restructure and reorganize rural stake-
holders and farmer organizations - Strengthen the human, financial and
material capacities of farmer organiza-
tions - Support increased stakeholders’ partici-
pation to the Chamber of Agriculture - Open up rural areas
- Establish the infrastructure to support
production, distribution and marketing
and reduce vulnerability factors linked to
agricultural activities - Strengthen capacities for planning,
research, advisory support, training and
communication institutions
- Improve the productivity of farms,