Cover_Rebuilding West Africas Food Potential

(Jeff_L) #1

XXII Rebuilding West Africa’s food potential

ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States
EPA Economic Partnership Agreement
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
FODECC Cocoa and Coffee Development Fund
FONADER National Fund for Rural Development
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GESP Growth and Employment Strategy Paper
HIPC Heavily indebted poor countries
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
MDG Millennium Development Goal
NAP New Agricultural Policy
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
NFSP National Food Security Programme
NGO Non Governmental Organization
ONCPB National Commodity Marketing Agency
PACA Agricultural Competitiveness Support Project
PNDRT National Roots and Tubers Development Programme
PNVRA National Agricultural Extension and Research Programme
SAP Structural Adjustment Programme
SODECAO National Cocoa Development Company
WTO World Trade Organization
XAF Central African CFA franc

Chapter 13

AFD French Development Agency
AMO Market observatory
CET Common External Tariff (CET)
CFS Food Security Commission
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EIS Government Intervention Stock
EWS Early Warning System
ha hectare
km kilometre
MDG Millennium Development Goal
NSH National Food Security Stock
OPAM Office of Agricultural Products in Mali
PAO Professional agricultural organizations (PAO)
WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union
WFP World Food Programme
WTO World Trade Organization
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