Cover_Rebuilding West Africas Food Potential

(Jeff_L) #1

22 Rebuilding West Africa’s food potential

The top sorghum producers, outside of Nigeria, all exhibited a slight increase in production during the
last decade (mostly since 2000. Figure 14C). Mali experienced a relatively sharp increase in sorghum
production between 2005 and 2009, while in Chad, sorghum production only slowly trended upward
since 2000. Burkina Faso is the second largest sorghum producer (outside Nigeria) but production levels
are quite variable from year to year.

For millet, there was no significant production increase in the region and there was only a slow increase
among the top producers (outside Nigeria), with the exception of Niger (Figure 14D). At the aggregate
regional level, production has been more or less stable during the 1990s throughout the region but
increased during the last decade as areas expanded; one possible explanation is that farmers returned
to millet as some traditional export crops were contracting due to collapsing prices. Chad has been
steadily and slowly raising its production, now reaching a level of 0.5 million tonnes – about the same
level as Senegal. The latter has not significantly increased its millet production before 2009.

Overall, the current patterns of millet and sorghum production would not be sufficient to meet
expected demand increases (from 35 to75 kg/capita/year), especially in rural Sahelian areas (ACI, 2011).
Even a production boost of 20 percent will not come close to meeting the increasing consumption
demand. Regional deficits of 4.8 million tonnes of millet and 2.5 million tonnes of sorghum by 2050
are to be expected if further productivity increases are not realized.

b) Roots and tubers

Figure 15. Top West African cassava producers (x 1000 tonnes)

Source: FAOSTAT (2012)

Very little has changed among the small producing countries in the region over the last two decades, due
principally to the fact that data for cassava are not collected in as consistent a manner as for other staple
crops. Among the five top producing countries (producing over 1 million tonnes by 2010), Ghana has expe-






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Ghana Benin Cameroon Côte d'Ivoire Guinea
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