
(Brent) #1
1 $('#table td').bind('click', {message: 'You left clicked a
TD'}, function(e) {

(^2) alert(;
3 });
4 $('#table td').bind('contextmenu', {message: 'You right clicked
a TD'}, function(e) {
(^5) alert(;
6 });
Events bound with bind() and with the alias methods (.mouseover(),
etc) are unbound with the unbind() method.


This works almost exactly the same as bind() but with one crucial
difference: events are bound both to current and future elements — that is,
any elements that do not currently exist but which may be DOM-scripted
after the document is loaded.

Side note: DOM-scripting entails creating and manipulating elements in
JavaScript. Ever notice in your Facebook profile that when you “add another
employer” a field magically appears? That’s DOM-scripting, and while I
won’t get into it here, it looks broadly like this:

1 var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
2 newDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode('hello, world!'));
3 $(newDiv).css({width: 100, height: 100, background: '#f90'});
4 document.body.appendChild(newDiv);
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