
(Brent) #1

Is this new disposable cup holder an improvement or an innovation?

Many people have tried to innovate, but because something similar had
already existed, it’s merely an improvement. When designing within familiar
bounds, you can still create something amazing but your audience will not
likely be astonished at the sight of it. It is easy to see the particular
innovative idea as something that was so simple to come up with. But if
that’s the case, then why didn’t you do it? The trick is to come up with them
before. That’s the challenge. Once you find that special seed of an
innovative idea, try to avoid key mistakes that will stop your idea from ever
seeing the light of day.

As interesting as some ideas may be, that is not always enough for
consumers. Getting the message out that your new idea is imperative will
gain more consumer attention, especially in more difficult economic times.
Always having a short and clear value proposition with an inescapable
feeling of necessity can help gain capital, exposure and consumers. Do not

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