Human Biology

(Sean Pound) #1 Chapter 1. Human Biology

without involving the brain.

  • touch: Sense of pain, pressure, or temperature.


  • Sensory neurons in the skin sense pain, pressure, and temperature.

  • When sensory messages only travel as far as the spinal cord, and skip the brain, this is called a reflex arc.


Use the resources below to answer the questions that follow.

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  1. Where do we have touch sensors?

  2. How do they communicate with the brain?

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  1. Where is the sensory cortex located?

  2. What are the "end bulbs of Krause" believed to sense?

  3. What do Merkel’s disks respond to?

  4. What sensors are located in the dermis?


  1. Imagine you touch a smooth stone. How is this sensation transmitted to your brain?

  2. How and why do reflex arcs occur?

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