Human Biology

(Sean Pound) #1

1.51. Injuries of the Nervous System

1.51 Injuries of the Nervous System

  • Explain how the nervous system can be injured.

No diving?

Make sure you always heed the advice of signs that say "no diving." Diving in shallow water can lead to serious
injuries to your nervous system.

Injuries of the Nervous System

Injuries to the central nervous system may damage tissues of the brain or spinal cord. If an injury is mild, a person
may have a full recovery. If an injury is severe, it may cause permanent disability or even death. Brain and spinal
cord injuries most commonly occur because of car crashes or sports accidents. The best way to deal with such
injuries is to try to prevent them.

Brain Injuries

The mildest and most common type of brain injury is aconcussion. This is a bruise on the surface of the brain. It
may cause temporary problems such as headache, drowsiness, and confusion. Most concussions in young people
occur when they are playing sports, especially contact sports like football. A concussion normally heals on its own
in a few days.

A single concussion is unlikely to cause permanent damage. But repeated concussions may lead to lasting problems.
People who have had two or more concussions may have life-long difficulties with memory, learning, speech, or
balance. You can see an animation of how a concussion occurs by visiting

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