Human Biology

(Sean Pound) #1 Chapter 1. Human Biology

Between the ages of 9 and 13 years, you need about 34 grams of proteins a day.

in the blood can lead to heart disease. It is best to limit the amount of saturated lipids in your diet.
2.Unsaturated fatsare found mainly in plant foods, such as vegetable oil, olive oil, and nuts. Unsaturated lipids
are also found in fish, such as salmon. Unsaturated lipids are needed in small amounts for good health. Most
lipids in your diet should be unsaturated.

Another type of lipid is calledtrans fat. Trans fats are manufactured and added to certain foods to keep them fresher
for longer. Foods that contain trans fats include cakes, cookies, fried foods, and margarine. Eating foods that contain
trans fats increases the risk of heart disease.

Beginning with Denmark in 2003, many nations now limit the amount of trans fat that can be in food products or
ban these products all together. On January 1, 2008, Calgary became the first city in Canada to ban trans fats from

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