Human Biology

(Sean Pound) #1 Chapter 1. Human Biology

health problems. Many people get too much sodium. Sodium is added to most packaged foods. People often add
more sodium to their food by using table salt. Too much sodium causes high blood pressure in some people.


  • mineral: Chemical element, such as calcium or potassium, that is needed for body processes.

  • vitamin: Organic compound needed in small amounts for the body to function properly.


  • Vitamins and minerals do not provide energy but are needed in small amounts for the body to function properly.

  • Some vitamins are produced in your body, while others must come from the foods you eat.


Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.

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  1. Why is calcium so important to teenagers? What are sources of calcium?

  2. Why is it important to have enough iron in your diet? What vitamin helps you utilize iron?

  3. Why is vitamin D so important to teenagers? What are good sources of vitamin D?


  1. List two vitamins and their roles in the body.

  2. List two minerals and their roles in the body.

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