Human Biology

(Sean Pound) #1

1.20. Health of the Digestive System

Some of the foods that commonly cause
allergies are shown here. They include
nuts, eggs, grains, milk, and shellfish. Are
you allergic to any of these foods?


  • Foodborne illness can be prevented by taking precautions during food preparation.

  • Food allergies and food intolerance can upset your digestive system.


Use the resources below to answer the questions that follow.

Click image to the left for more content.

  1. What is a food allergy? How does the body respond to food allergies?

  2. What does the phrase "dose related" mean? How does this relate to food intolerance?

  3. What are four common symptoms of food allergies?

  4. What are the most common food allergens?

  5. Do all people of all ages respond in the same way to foods?

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