Human Biology

(Sean Pound) #1

1.22. Circulation and the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system helps return fluid that leaks from the blood vessels
back to the cardiovascular system.

Lymph capillaries collect fluid that leaks
out from blood capillaries.

Role of the Lymphatic System in the Body’s Defenses

The lymphatic system also plays an important role in the immune system. For example, the lymphatic system makes
white blood cells that protect the body from diseases. The role of the lymphatic system in the immune response is
discussed in additional concepts.


  • lymph: Clear fluid that drains through the lymphatic system and into the bloodstream.

  • lymph vessel: Thin-walled tube that carries the lymph through the lymphatic system.

  • lymphatic system: Network of vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph; lymphatic organs also play a role
    in the immune system.

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