Toyota Way Fieldbook : A Practical Guide for Implementing Toyota's 4Ps

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  1. Leadership Ability

A leader must be able to work with team members so they accomplish the com-
pany goals. The leader must be able to “translate” the overall company objectives
into specific activities that their team must perform in order to be successful. Like
a coach, they develop the “game plan” and assist the team in how to carry it out.
They must provide support and coaching to team members. The leader must
have the ability to plan and schedule for training needs, as well as to follow up
and ensure that training is successful.

  1. Teaching Ability

One of the leader’s primary duties is to teach others. No matter how much skill
or knowledge a person possesses, without teaching ability the leader is unable
to pass it on to others. If skill and knowledge is not passed on to others, the
organization will not grow and prosper.



Some Are Born Leaders, Others Can Learn the Skills
It is true that everyone possesses different skills, and it seems that
some people are born for leadership. In truth, with desire, coaching,
and practice, leadership skills can be learned. Michael Jordan did
not make his high school basketball team, but with internal drive
and continued practice, he became one of the greatest players ever.
This is true of leadership skills. It may not be possible to change a
person’s basic nature (being an introvert or extrovert, for example),
but it is possible to learn skills and to maximize the desired char-
acteristics, while minimizing the less desirable (this is task specif-
ic). There are many leadership “styles” that can be effective, and
each leader can learn to use his or her own skill set to the best
advantage. The only element that cannot be taught is desire.

Group Leader Responsibilities on a Typical Workday

For the production group leader, the workday is broken down into three distinct
phases, each with a particular focus. For the leaders, the day begins prior to the
shift and the start of the production line. They must ensure the readiness of all
resources—people, machines, and material. The second phase of the day consists
of activities and responsibilities to be performed during production, and the
third phase comprises the end of production and after the shift. We won’t go
through the whole day, which you can see in outline form in Table 10-1, but we’ll

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