Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

PC Workout #2 – Flutters

PC Flutters are much like standard contractions, except you move more quickly. The
contractions aren't going to be as tight and sustained, and your relaxation won't be full.
This is rapid contracting and relaxing.

You're going for endurance here. You want to see how long you can keep the flutter
going. Try to sustain the flutter exercise for one minute, and then rest for one to three
minutes. Try to repeat this at least five times.

PC Workout #3 – Flex It and Hold It

The Flex and Hold workout is a bit more advanced, but properly warmed up beginners
shouldn't shy away from doing it.

The way you do a flex and hold is to contract the PC muscle tightly, and hold there for a
count of ten (longer if possible). This is hard to do, but once you get your muscle to the
point where you can successfully do it, you're well on your way to total PC fitness!

Do the Flex and Hold three to four times each day, and allow yourself to relax for one
minute between flexes.

PC Workout #4 – Intensity Increases

This is also an advanced PC muscle workout, but don't be afraid to try it. Start by
lightly contracting your PC muscle and holding for three seconds. Then contract a bit
more and hold again for three seconds.

Now contract it as tightly as you can and hold for another three seconds. Relax by going
doing the opposite – relax a little and hold, then relax a bit more and hold, and then
finally relax all the way. Rest for thirty seconds and try again.

Work up to ten Intensity Increases a day (you'll do some in your regular workouts and
you can do more throughout your day when convenient).

PC Workout #5 – Find the Beat

This is a Kegel workout that can be fun, but it takes some concentration and it can be
hard to do. Again, don't let that stop you from trying until you can do it like an expert.
This is easiest to do with music – something that has some rhythm variations. Just
contract and relax in time to the beat and keep going throughout the song.

The other thing you can do, and this is great when you're driving, is to contract when you
hit a marker, like an intersection or when you see a certain colored car, then hold on until
your hit another maker, or the light at the intersection turns or something like that. You

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