Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

The Work Is Worth the Reward

Kegels are going to be the foundation of your penis enhancement and enlargement
exercise program. Do Kegel exercises make your penis bigger? No, they don't – not
directly (except for the Hanging Towel exercise).

But all the Kegel exercises are extremely important because exercising your PC muscle
means that you're building the foundation for growth, better erections, better control over
ejaculation and more sexual power.

You can't build a house without a proper foundation and you can't grow your penis to a
bigger size without a proper foundation either. The PC muscle is that foundation. Make it
as strong as you possibly can!

Stretch It Out!

Stretching exercises are going to focus on length. You're essentially going to be
working on making your sex organ longer – these exercises don't do anything for girth.
However, stretching is an integral part of your penis enlargement program, so don't
slack on these. They're important!

Stretching your penis can really work to make it longer. The skin and tissue of your
penis are not much different that those of other parts of your body. You've seen how
people can stretch their earlobes out in the fairly new practice of gauging. And before
gauging came along, women's earlobes commonly stretched longer from wearing heavy,
dangling earrings.

Another example of how stretching can permanently change the body is The Pa Dong
Long Neck people of Thailand. In this culture, extremely long necks are considered
beautiful for women, so at the young age of six, metal bands are snapped around girl's
necks to gradually stretch them.

Over the years, up to 28 bands may be placed around a woman's neck to lengthen it, and
it does work. These are two examples of how body parts can be stretched to longer
lengths. The penis is no different.

The stretching exercises that will be outlined here are as effective as lengthening your
penis by using weights or a stretcher (which we'll discuss later in this book). However,
they are much, much more convenient and safer, too.

Your repertoire of penis stretching exercises is going to consist of combinations of
stretching, twirling, and slapping. Don't get freaked out. This isn't as crazy as it might
sound, and these exercises do produce results by encouraging your penis skin and tissues
to lengthen. You can do your exercises either sitting down or standing. It's your choice.
Let's get started.

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