Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Jelqing for Length and Girth

The Jelq exercise is said to have origins in the Middle East, with Europeans making it a
popular technique for enlarging the penis.

Jelqing is a method that is based on the idea that the corpus cavernosum and spongiosum
can be made larger, giving them the ability to hold more blood when the penis is erect.
Jelqing, sometimes called milking the penis, is a technique that pushes blood into the
penis, holds it there and then pushes more blood into the penis, causing it to expand to a
larger size that it had originally been.

An illustration of how this works would be to fill a balloon halfway with water and then
to clamp the balloon, pushing the water further to the end. Continuing to push this water
further to the end causes the rubber to expand even more.

This is like what happens with jelqing. If you were to add even more water to the balloon,
and push it closer to the end, the balloon would continue to expand and enlarge. This is
how jelqing works on your member.

A daily jelqing workout takes between 15 and 30 minutes, and begins with your basic
warm up of a warm shower or bath, or wrapping with warm, moist towels. This prepares
your penis for jelqing and other exercises by stimulating blood flow to the penis.

Jelqing should be done only on a semi-erect penis, not an erect one, and should not cause
ejaculation. “Wet milking” and “dry milking” are the two main types of jelqing, and both
are effective in bringing about permanent enlargement.

We'll start with the wet milking technique. This is where a good lubricant will come in
handy – in fact, it's a necessity, so if you haven't got one yet, you need to get one now.
Please revisit the section on lubricants, and remember, don't use soap or shampoo!

The Tao Technique of Jelqing

The Tao technique focuses solely on increasing the size of your head and can be used in
combination with both wet and dry milking.

With the Tao method, you will use a wet milking technique, but you will concentrate on
working more slowly and gently, and pushing the blood into your penis head and holding
that pressure for a sustained period of time. This will create a more pronounced
mushroom, bell, or helmet shaped head.

Begin by lubricating your penis and using the OK sign to milk your organ and push more
blood through it and to the end. Using your fingers, work the blood into the head and
hold it there for ten seconds. You can squeeze the shaft to help make the head engorge.

Once the head is hard, release and repeat.

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