Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Cool down.

  2. Three times per week, try dry milking in addition to wet milking. Don't do your dry
    milking during your regular workout. You can do it in the evening at bedtime or
    another convenient time. Spend between five and 10 minutes dry milking.

Note: You should be doing PC muscle exercises throughout your day – not just during
your regular workout. Try some of the more advanced PC contractions.

The Halfway Mark – You're on Your Way!

You may already be noticing some improvements. Even if they are small, you know

you're on the right track! Don't lose your momentum now!

It's time to step things up! Your workout is going to be slightly longer now – the extra
time and intensity will be well worth it!

  1. Warm up thoroughly.

  2. Get that PC muscle in shape! You should be doing PC exercises during your
    workouts, and you should also be doing them randomly throughout your day.
    Remember that you can't do too many of these! What you're getting in your workout
    is great, but do extra PC exercises to boot.

a) Start with a quick PC warm up and then do standard contractions. Do 40
b) Now, do some Intensity Increases. These are hard, but you've been working your
PC muscle a lot, so it should be up for the challenge! Do a minimum of five and
work up to 10 over these weeks (you don't have to do all ten during this workout,
but you should make a point to do at least ten per day now).
c) Finish with two minutes of sustained Flutters.

  1. Over the first few weeks, you've been doing any variety of stretching exercises for 10
    minutes each session. Now we're going to get more specific. You are going to do the
    Combined Pull, Twirl and Slap exercise pretty much exclusively. It incorporates all
    the stretching exercises into on. Do this combination exercise five times – the entire

  2. You'll need a circulation break now. Give your penis a one-minute massage to
    encourage blood flow and good circulation.

  3. You can choose either wet milking or dry milking for your exercise now. If you are
    wet milking, increase your grip to slightly firmer than what you've been doing. From
    here on out, jelq with a firmer grip (but don't hurt yourself!) Do this fir ten minutes.

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