Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Chapter Seven: Besides Size, Exercise Can Help With

It's already been mentioned that some of the exercises taught in this book can help
immensely with ejaculation control, but other issues can be corrected with exercise, too.

Some men have a penis that curves slightly to the left or right, or even up or downward –
exercise can help!

For men that simply cannot always get an erection, or a quality erection, exercise can
help, too.

Let's take each issue one by one.

Premature Ejaculation

This, like having a smallish penis, is not something that men want to have to deal with,
and yet, it happens. Sometimes, it is nearly impossible to keep from losing your load way
too early. It's embarrassing, but it's also something that can be cured!

Currently, there are no prescription medications that work specifically for premature
ejaculation. However, doctors sometimes prescribe certain antidepressants or topical
creams that reduce sensation to help slow the ejaculation response down. While these can
help, they are not a cure, and all medications come with side effects.

If you like the idea of using a topical cream, but without a prescription, you can find
creams and sprays that make your penis less sensitive online and at shops that sell erotic
materials and toys. These can be very helpful.

Some herbal remedies are said to help with premature ejaculation – Mucuna Pruriens is

And often doctors and therapists will recommend that you masturbate an hour or so
before sex, so that you won't ejaculate as quickly when you're with your partner. This is
actually a very good idea.

Other things you can do to help with this issue are strengthen the PC muscle (and you're
already doing that, right?), and learn self-control.

Learning self-control really isn't that hard to do, and in fact, it can be pretty fun! Simply
masturbate more – a lot more! You should masturbate once a day in fact. During your
masturbation sessions, teach yourself to stop and hold back when you start to feel that
you're getting close to ejaculating.

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