Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  • Gingko (Folium ginkgoidis) – Ginkgo leaf extract is used to enhance blood
    circulation and increase blood flow to the penis.

  • Yin yang huo (Herba epimdii) – Yin yang huo increases hormonal secretions, sperm
    count and semen density.

  • Yohimbe (Corynanthe yohimbea) – Yohimbe is used as an aphrodisiac.

  • Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca) – Damiana has a reputation for increasing sexual
    stamina, improving erectile function, and enhancing orgasms.

  • Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris) – This herb is reported to increase the level of
    testosterone in the body, enhance libido, and improve stamina.

  • Epimedium Leaf (Epimedium sagittatum) – Also known as Horny Goat Weed,
    epimedium leaf has been known and used for years as a libido booster. Epimedium
    has also been found to increase blood flow to the penis, much in the same way that
    prescription medications for erectile dysfunction do. Horny goat weed also helps to
    increase sensation and restore sexual power.

  • Asian Red Ginseng (Panax ginseng) – Asian Red Ginseng is an aphrodisiac that
    increases general energy levels and enhances blood flow to the penis.

  • Saw Palmetto (Fructus serenoae) – Often used as a treatment for prostate issues, Saw
    Palmetto also helps to increase blood flow to the penis, balances hormonal levels, and
    is used for strengthening and building of body tissues.

  • Muira Pauma Bark Extract (Ptychopetalum olacoides) – Restores sexual desire and
    virility, while increasing the ability to attain and keep an e rection.

  • Catuaba Bark Extract (Erythroxylum catuaba) – Catuaba is used as an aphrodisiac. It
    also dilates blood vessels and stimulates the nervous system.

  • Hawthorn Berry (Fuctus Crataigi) – Relaxes and dilates arteries, while increasing
    blood flow.

  • Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) – This small tree from Southeast Asia provides
    help as an aphrodisiac and a cure for impotence. It also helps to enhance stamina and
    strength, increase testosterone, and enhances rigidity, or hardness, in erections.

  • Tribulus terrestris is used as an aphrodisiac and testosterone builder and helps to
    increase pleasure.

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