Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Penis Enlargement Patches

A fairly new development in the penis enhancement field is the use of patches – sort of
like the ones you might use to quit smoking.

The whole premise of using a patch to enlarge your penis is that you don't have to take
pills, you can put the patch somewhere where no one else will see it and ask about it. The
ingredients are delivered transdermally, meaning that they bypass the process of being
digested and then moved around your body by your bloodstream.

With patches, the active ingredients (which will be much the same as what you find in
pills) are delivered straight into your bloodstream, without delay. Additionally, patches
deliver enlarging and enhancing ingredients in a time-released manner, so you get the
benefit of them consistently, rather than all at once, as in when you take a pill.

Follow the dosage instructions on the package – some
patches last 24 hours and some last up to 72 hours. And
remember these two things: don't put patches in the
same place every time and don't put them on a part of
your body that is hairy (Ouch!). If you're a pretty hairy
guy, you might want to consider shaving an
inconspicuous spot or two.

If you are interested in patches, I suggest you take a
look at the Pro Enhance Patch. It’s transdermal
delivery works fast, and it is one of the most effective patches we have come across.

Using Weights and/or a Frame to Stretch Your Penis

Hanging a weight, or weights from you penis to stretch it is a technique (called
appropriately enough, hanging) that has been used for a very long time. Enlarging your
penis like this can work, but it mostly works for length – if it adds girth, it will be
minimal, so keep that in mind if you're thinking of using this method for getting a bigger

Now, there is nothing at all wrong with having a long sex organ! But girth is also valued,
and that's why most experts don't recommend using weights to stretch out your penis as
your only way to make it bigger.

Since we're talking about stretching your penis, one of your most highly regarded body
parts, you don't want to do anything that might cause harm, so you need to understand
“hanging” before you go and tie a bowling ball to your member. Also, keep in mind that
hanging can take weeks or months to work, just like all other penis enlargement
programs, so don't get in a hurry with it.

So, how does hanging work anyway? The tissues of your penis, just like any of the soft

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