Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
It's important to keep your lifestyle and eating habits as healthy as possible to help
reverse the effects of stress. You can also practice stress relieving techniques such as
doing yoga or Tai chi, deep breathing or even seeing a counselor on a regular basis to
just unload your concerns about life and learn new ways of absorbing and combating
stress and stressful situations.

  • Lack of Sleep – Your body needs a minimum of six hours of sleep per night. A
    minimum. Some people need eight to nine hours of sleep every night. If you regularly
    don't get enough sleep, you're setting yourself up for illness.

You're also setting yourself up for failure at your penis enlargement program because
you'll be too tired to be consistent with it, and your body won't be able to respond as
well to the exercises because it will be trying to conserve it's energy because you're
not sleeping enough. Get your rest!

A Proper Diet for Health and Fitness

Let's look a bit more closely, at what a proper diet for health and fitness would look like.
You need to pay close attention to your diet, especially now for a couple reasons.

First, your penis is going to automatically look larger when your abdominal area is
trimmer. Simple as that. Second, good nutrition is the basis for building muscle, tissue,
and strength – all things that you're trying to do with your enlargement program, right?

Without a healthy plan for proper eating, you might not be giving your body what it
really needs to help make that sex organ bigger.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can help, but your best source for good nutrition is
healthy food.

So, let's take a bit of time to look at what you should eat and what you shouldn't eat.


Proteins help in cell and tissue growth. They are building blocks for your body, so you
can already see why they are going to be important to you in your penis enhancement

You might think of protein being supplied mainly by meats, but you can also find protein
in other sources, such as soy products, eggs, nuts, dairy products, and beans. Protein
drinks and bars are ready made ways to get a quick and convenient serving of protein.

As a general rule, a healthy adult needs about eight grams of protein per pound of body
weight, per day. If you're exercising vigorously (as in going to the gym everyday and

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