Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

working out, or jogging every day, or similar), you'll need closer to one and a half grams
per day.

You shouldn't overdo it on protein, though. While it's vital to your health, too much is
very hard on your liver and kidneys, organs that bear the brunt of processing the by-
products of protein rich foods.

Fruits and Vegetables

These are essential for providing vitamins and minerals, not to mention fiber to your diet.
Most people forget to eat enough fruits and vegetables - you should have at least three
fruit servings and five vegetable servings a day.

Besides providing vitamins and minerals in large quantities, they provide energy and help
you feel full – this is really important if you're trying to shed a few pounds.

Complex Carbohydrates

You need carbohydrates because they provide energy. Simple carbs, like white bread
provide energy in one big shot and then leave you feeling lethargic. Additionally, they are
overly processed and have little nutritional value.

Complex carbs, like whole grain breads, rolls, pastas and cereals are excellent for
providing sustained energy and fiber that helps to fill you up and keep your digestive
system working well.

Low-Fat Dairy

Dairy is good for you, unless you're allergic to milk products. They provide calcium and
vitamin D for strong bones. They also provide protein. Regular dairy is high in fat.
Choose low-fat dairy products to keep from gaining unnecessary weight and clogging
your arteries. Generally speaking, the only people who need regular dairy, with all the fat,
are children.

If you're allergic to milk, try soy dairy products.


Small amounts of healthy fats are necessary in everyone's diet. Fats help with cell
metabolism, the manufacture, and regulation of hormones, and regulating blood clogging.

Choose healthy fats, in small amounts. This includes virgin olive oil, flax oil, safflower
oil, hemp seed oil, walnut, and wheat germ oil. You can also eat fish such as salmon,
mackerel, tuna, and sardines to get healthy servings of omega-3 oils in your diet.

Drink Lots of Water

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