Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

numbers which overwhelmed me at first.
Knowing the darkness simply couldn't
prevail, I simply couldn't allow it. Aschira
returned, goddess of greed, laughing
hysterically about the fact that anytime
Andy or I had a single thought of greed, she
had an invitation to enter our spaces.
Anytime anyone bears a single thought of
gluttony, lust, greed, pride, sloth, vanity or
avarice, it gives passage to these predators of
darkness to be near your soul. After all, it is
their duty to energize your destruction.
Purifying my thoughts would be vital in the
fulfillment of my destiny. "You won't be
getting anymore invitations, Aschira." I
said, shooting her with light to send her
away. Disappearing, I never saw her again.
We must purify ourselves not only in word
and deed, but in thought; so that our
thinking does not bear the markings of the
Demons encircled me, their fanged
teeth laughing their backwards laugh. For
two nights, the battles continued, but I
refused to give in to their terror and fear. By
the second night, they no longer even
frightened me, for I considered them a
nuisance which simply had to be tolerated in

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