Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

the darkness had tricked me, and I'd fallen
for it.
Manifesting a large wooden cabinet,
he pushed it over to crush me. Running out
of its way, I shouted, "Who the hell are
you?!" His white ashen eye sockets revealed
where his soul resided. "I have sent my
granddaughter to hell," he said, "now I must
kill you to get her out." Desperation filled
his pitiful eyes, but he didn't realize that he
was following a lie for this action would
only sink his soul deeper into the abyss. A
soul cannot serve darkness in order to be
freed from it. Surely, a reasonable man must
know that no one can be freed from hell
through a dark act; a soul can only be saved
from the abyss through love.
Conveying to him that he'd been
misled, and destroying me would not give
his granddaughter freedom, his violence
didn't dim. Sending him an understanding
of love's deliverance, I couldn't get through
to him; he was lost, condemned by his own
hatred. Dark forces had used this ignorant
man who had lost his soul to stop me from
bringing forever back. With a quick thrust of
my hand, I pushed him out of my way and
ran towards the bridge. Chief Joseph

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