Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

Confederate deserved to live. Born into the
light, there was no regret, no remorse. "I am
glad I've been born," he said, "for no life will
end by my hands today. For it is better to die
standing for life, than to live standing for
"(Mark the blameless man and behold) the
upright, (for there is pos)te(rity for the ma)n
of peace."
The Dead Sea Scriptures, Psalm 37, Page 330,
(Christianity, Gnostic/Essene)
"Without anger, without trembling, not
boasting, without remorse, speaking in
moderation, not arrogant, he indeed is a
sage restrained in speech. Having no
attachment to the future, he does not grieve
over the past. He sees detachment in respect
of sense-contacts, and is not led into
(wrong) views."
The Group of Discourses II, IV. The Chapter of
Eights, Page 98, No. 850-851, (Buddhism,

A funnel of black had pulled my soul
away, and I didn't know where I was. Lost
and confused, I frantically feared I would
not be able to find my way home. A warm
house appeared in the distance and I ran
towards it like a thirsty man looking for

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