Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

home haunted by pure evil, I was very
nervous because of the nature of darkness I
was about to face. Out of body, I was
floating around the house looking for the
cause of the disturbances when I turned a
corner and saw something which totally
frightened me. A totally black humanoid
demon was standing before a boiling
cauldron, his energy so intensely energized
towards darkness that I wasn't sure I could
take care of it; but as the demon glanced my
way and saw me, I knew there was no
turning back.
Lifting my hands and pulling
together all the power of the eternal, I swept
it as a gale-wind towards the beast. Already
in the process of preparing to energetically
assault me with his own very empowered
demonic energy, I was terrified. But my
thrust hit him and he blew into thousands of
little pieces. Sending him back to the first
dimension, he was gone, never to be seen
"These signs will accompany those who
believe; in my name they will drive out
New American Bible, New Testament, Mark
16:16-18, (Christianity, Catholic, Words of

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