Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

understood her observation. "They see it as
baby-sitting, or a quick fix. Some look at it
from very self-serving eyes and only a few
see it from the realm of knowledge."
Disappointed, I knew she was right. They
saw it as an intellectual endeavor, or from
the standpoint of their ego. "Only a few of
those, if that many, will be chosen to
continue in this learning. The others are not
doing it for the right reasons." We flew
"If your sight is still too weak and is
repelled from this vision, turn the eye of
your mind to the road where wisdom used to
reveal itself for your delight. Then remember
that you have postponed a vision which you
may seek again when you are stronger and
On Free Choice of the Will, Book Two, No. 167,
(Christianity, Catholic, Words of St. Augustine)

Never had I faced such evil, and I
sincerely hoped I never would again. A
satanic ritual murder had occurred in our
town, wherein the body had been
dismembered; the skin peeled and kept in
foil, the blood drained for drinking, etc.
Making contact with the deceased, I was

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