Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

carefully. "It is our ceremony for the dead
that honors our loss, as well as our knowing
that all souls return in their own time." A
tear dropped from my eyes. "But there must
be no mistake; there is no tolerance here for
that. Evil will not be allowed here, in our
love we will not hesitate to dismantle him."
Turning to the fire, he said, "Now
you must sweat." Beginning to cry, he
comforted me. "It is the cleansing of your
soul. You have walked directly into the very
heart of evil and now we must cleanse you."
Afraid to sweat, I knew it would hurt. "Don't
be afraid to sweat," he said, "all of these
energies will come out and it will not be
comfortable, but you must sweat." With that,
I did so, feeling pain in every joint of my
body as the toxins poured forth.
An honored guest quietly walked
towards me. He was so quiet that I didn't
notice His coming until I saw His sandals
before me on the ground. Looking up, the
beautiful face of Jesus was looking at me.
"You have courage, my daughter. You are
truly a warrior of light for the forces of the
Lord, thy God." I couldn't speak as my body
was shaking while the sweat poured out.
Walking away quietly, his sandals made no

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