Soaring outside to an iridescent river
flowing amidst a wanton mountain forest, I
pointed to the trees that were all around us.
"How do you look at a tree?" I asked him. "I
look at the top, primarily." He said. "Well,
you must look at a tree from the ground to
the sky if you want to watch its ascent to
heaven!" As I said this, he looked at it this
way, and a grand smile overtook his face.
Heavens opening and skies parting, it made
way for the arms of the Lord to reach
humanity. "I must go now," I said, as he tried
to convince me to stay. "I'm sorry, I have
others I must assist, but I do have a message
to give you from the Creator." He was
excited. "I have been given permission to
grant you one miracle, so think about what
you would like, and when I or another
returns, it will be done." Smiling with
childlike glee, I soared into the heavenly
realm that now lay open in a pinkish mist.
"Suffer the little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not: for of such is the
kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you,
whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of
God as a little child, he shall not enter
King James Bible, New Testament, Mark 10:14-