Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

level they may stand in the spectrum of
understanding. Thus, those who are
traveling away from life will also be de-
energized accordingly no matter what level
they may stand in the spectrum of
understanding. Giving insight into God's
mysterious ways, a soul who has been given
much light, might be turned backwards if he
ceases movement forward; just as a soul who
may still be deeply ensconced in ignorant
karmic darkness (ignorance, because chosen
darkness and evil always turn away from
life), may be given eternal assistance and
protection on the basis of their pure intent
and desire to move towards God.
Many incarnations of evil have ruled,
as have incarnations of light. Society must
learn to discern the serpent from the lamb,
but society often fails and evil is chosen.
Evil is not simply a benign presence that
needs to be rehabilitated, true evil must be
STOPPED. Sympathizing with darkness
only magnifies and implodes its
ramifications, and it can only be stopped by
swift, severe, deliberate retribution. When a
society fails to perform this responsibility,
society becomes the host and victim of the
darkness it hasn't the courage to stop. The

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