Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

serpent comes in, oh, so many faces, and his
manipulation is won with hundreds of
reasoning's and excuses for the rightness of
his acts. Although the eternal recognizes
ignorance, there are no excuses for dominant
darkness or evil. When you face chosen
darkness on this level, good and evil do
become black and white.
Birth in the lower hell realms is
appropriate for the deepest forms of evil
because their thoughts and acts reflect the
deafening violence to which they are
compatible, and they are quite at home in
such places. In the lower hells, souls
undergo the tortures that they have inflicted
upon others, and a soul who is destruction,
is not compatible to God, whose existence is
creation. Enjoying the infliction of pain upon
others, an evil soul is aeons away from the
ultimate and divine mercy of God.
Evolution is not an issue of
judgment, but of compatibility. Birth in the
hell realms is appropriate for those souls
who love their vice. Souls who love God,
despite their ignorance, will naturally
amend to a higher status through the influx
of heavenly forces. Because of the millions of
possible configurations, each path is unique

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