Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

for the demon of the father had been
inherited by the son.
In the face of this simple monk, I saw
complete compassion and understanding.
Imperturbable, he generated no anger or
hatred towards the demons, just a polite
understanding of the causes of such births.
While we rowed in the boat, the demon of
rage would burst into fits of violence at
random moments, which made me fearful
and uncomfortable. But the monk remained
completely unchanged, as if it were simply a
small child throwing a tantrum on the floor.
Rowing quietly to our final
destination, we reached the home of the final
member of this family. The beast continued
his rages and the gull continued her sexual
tauntings; but the monk parked the boat
quietly with no response to the emergent
defilement. His compassion was something
I could not yet fully understand.
Attached to the side of this soul's
home was a haunted mansion, overrun by
demons and haunted memories from her
past. Anything but benign, this haunted
mansion was inhabited by the soul who
made unconscious incantations to
Beelzebub, just by the nature of her

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