Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

we exited this forest of demons, the monk
said and conveyed nothing more. But I
reflected a great deal on how I used to
perceive darkness. And now, I understood
something I'd never fully grasped. Darkness
knows no happiness, for it doesn't know
God. This is very sad.
"To encounter a true master is said to be
worth a century of studying his or her
teaching, because in such a person we
witness a living example of enlightenment.
How can we encounter Jesus or the Buddha?
It depends on us. Many who looked directly
into the eyes of the Buddha or Jesus were not
capable of seeing them... When a sage is
present and you sit near him or her, you feel
peace and light."
Living Buddha, Living Christ, Chapter 4, Page
52, Paragraph 1, Page 53, Top, (Buddhism,
Mahayana, Words of Thich Naht Hahn)

Wandering through a haunted
mansion which was quite different than the
others, I found it to be more of a middle of
the road haunting. Huge and endless in its
number of rooms, only a few of the rooms
were actually haunted by demonic spirits.
What stood out about this mansion,
however, was the overwhelming amount of

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