Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

Dhammapada, Canto XXIV, No. 349, Page 137,

Now pursuing me, the demonic man
was in a violent rage. Holding a gun to my
head, he had been led into this vile state by
his own bitter darkness, but his rage was
multiplied because I had given him the truth
of the state of his soul and would not take it
back; he was a consumer of children. Astral
police officers were standing by to disarm
him, but I didn't think I would need them.
Reaching down, I took his first gun and
handed it to the police. Pulling out a larger
gun, I saw within his eyes that he was truly
capable of killing me, although this should
not have been surprising, for he was quite
violent in the physical realm. "I will destroy
you!" he said, as I gazed into his crazed eyes.
"You may kill this body, but the Way is
established in me and cannot be destroyed.
This is what you hate, is it not?" I shouted.
Confused, he began shivering and didn't
know what to do. "DO IT!" I shouted at him.
"I've no fear of losing this life. The Way is
established within me. It will not die, and it
will haunt you more than my living body
ever could." Taking the gun from his hands

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