Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

your death!" echoing over and over, "The
Almighty One demands your death!"
Gargoyles began falling to the ground like
flies, as the reverend master took my hand in
respect, acknowledging the presence of God
within me. Walking away, I thanked her for
her warning, for it surely had proven quite
vitally true.
"My Son, let not the fair and subtle sayings
of men move thee, for the kingdom of God is
not in word, but in power."
The Imitation of Christ, The Third Book, Chapter
XLIII, Paragraph 1, (Christianity, Author:
Thomas A Kempis')
"And the seventy returned again with joy,
saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto
us through thy name."
King James Bible, New Testament, Luke 10:17-
19, (Christianity, Words of Christ)

As the Lord continued His promised
purification of my soul, I began experiencing
an expungement which frightened me.
Within my soul were several spindly
creatures, and as the Lord began removing
them one by one, the demonic realm would
assault me continually at night. Sending
various forms of temptations, usually in the

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