Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

to others as we have given it to you?"
Nodding that he would, they took him
A few months later earth time, but
the same night astral time, Sam got into a bit
of trouble with some criminals. Held
hostage with a group of others, Sam began
to feel sympathetic to his captors, in his
mind condoning their violence.
Flying towards Sam, I suddenly
transformed into an Assisi Marauder.
Pulsating royal blue lights shot out from my
soul like stars. Speaking to his sub-
conscious, I said, "The Reverend Sam
Malone, I remember you, do you remember
me?" Looking startled, his sub-conscious
mind responded, "I do, yes, I really do." "Do
you remember your vow to me?" Silently,
he waited. "It is wonderful that you allow
yourself to see the twinness of man, realizing
that your captors have more than one side to
them. But you must never condone
violence. NEVER! With the truth we have
given you, you can set everyone free. SPEAK
MALONE!" Immediately, Sam began to
speak and within moments he had de-
energized the violence that had almost come

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