Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

look nice because you want to be your best,
but it is quite another to dress in a very
sexual manner, wearing lots of jewelry and
makeup, simply for the purpose of attracting
attention and wanting everyone to notice
you, that is vanity and it is a deadly sin."
Looking at me strangely, I walked away.
There are seven deadly sins
according to the bible: Sloth, Greed, Vanity,
Avarice, Gluttony, Lust and Pride. If you
are incarnate, you came in with a tendency
towards at least one and more likely two or
three. Virtue must replace vice, but the
desires and cravings that come from vice
must naturally amend into the higher
thinking that results in virtue: Wisdom,
Justice, Temperance, Courage, Faith, Hope
and Charity (Love). Forgive and be merciful
to all... for as Christ said, it is easy to love
those that love you, but it is hard to love
those that hate you.
"Do not think lightly of evil, saying, 'It will
not come to me.' By the constant fall of
waterdrops, a pitcher is filled; likewise the
unwise person, accumulating evil little by
little, becomes full of evil."
Dhammapada, Canto IX, No. 121, Page 51,

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