Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

15:18-20, (Christianity, Words of Christ)
"R. Shmuel bar Nachmani said: 'They asked
the snake, 'why are you found near fences?'
He answered, 'because I breached the fence
(that protected the world).' 'And why do you
slither with your tongue protruding?' (The
snake answered), 'it was my tongue that
caused (my transgression).'"
Taharas Halashon, Chapter 5, Page 55, Bamidbar
Rabbah 19:2, (Judaism)

Stealing a pick up truck before my
eyes, I flew after the criminals and witnessed
their crimes. Arriving at a bridge, a stand-off
erupted, and the two were now pointing a
gun directly at me. "We are going to have to
shoot you," they said, "you're a witness."
Remaining calm, I opened a book of Torah
law. "No, no, no," I said, "you've got it all
wrong. According to Torah law, the laws
given to Moses, you've sinned greatly
already; you certainly don't want to add the
taking of a life to this list. Let me teach you
the laws of repentance." Looking bemused,
they became disoriented. "First, you need to
return the car, then you need to feel
genuinely badly about what you've done,
and thirdly, you must beg of God to forgive

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