Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

spirit in my hands, I replied, "God's
mysterious ways, God shows his power in
mysterious ways."
Walking towards the altar, the
remaining unconverted souls were ready.
Taking the miraculous host from heaven into
my hands, those who came forward touched
it. Despite the obvious presence of the Lord,
the atheist proceeded forward again, trying
to prevent the new converts from reaching
the altar. "Can you not let others exercise
their religious freedom?" I asked.
Protecting the new converts from
him, I held him aside until heavenly forces
pushed him away. Saddened, I turned to the
others who had been lost, but were now
found. Joy filled my eyes, but sadness welled
inside for the one sheep that would remain
lost, for now.
"Blessed art thou inasmuch as the darkness
of vain imaginings hath been powerless to
hinder thee from the light of certitude, and
the onslaught of the people hath failed to
deter thee from the Lord of mankind."
The Tablets of Baha'u'llah, Chapter 17, Page
259, Paragraph 2, (Baha'i, Author: Baha'u'llah)

"Deny thyself and put off all the works of

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