Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

human weakness, and, by the true light,
which thou hast received concerning the
works of my Son and my own, contemplate
and study thyself in this mirror, in order to
arrive at that beauty, which the highest
King seeks in thee."
The Mystical City of God (Abrid.), The
Transfixion, Book 5, Chapter III, Page 411,
Paragraph 1, (Christianity, Catholic, Words of
Taken to observe a soul obsessed
with gluttony, he was wandering around a
grocery store placing excessive amounts of
pastries into his cart. Jesus appeared,
adorned with the Sacred Heart, and begged
my assistance in extricating this soul from
sin. After he had received several divine
warnings and intervention on issues within
his life (such as careless driving and bad
associations), my spirit was taken in to help
Taking out some of the items, I said,
"You don't need this." Angered, he insisted
that I keep them in his cart and leave him
alone. Wishing to join the crowd, he went
outside, despite my protests of this action.
Making a lot of noise, and being rather
verbose, he thought he was fitting in with

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