violent bursts upward took me through the
spheres of knowledge.
A spectacular spiritual guardian now
emerged from the holy cloudeous lighted
gateway to the heavens. A glorious angelic
man framed in light who appeared to be a
warrior spirit, arose from this flame of
consciousness and conveyed to me that I had
always held my flame within because of my
attachment to the welfare of the world.
Leaving the world behind, I turned
and entered a home filled with worldly souls
who had continued to deny God. Turning to
cruelly distorting my musical and literary
work into examples of their vices, I protested
as they immediately became enraged and
began to verbally argue. Attempting to
accuse me of some crime, an astral federal
agent appeared. Calmly, I pointed to them.
"They are atheists, and I love God. This is
their motivation in trying to accuse me of
such crimes." Immediately, the agent
understood, nodding as he said, "You should
have nothing to do with them, then, for these
types are very dangerous," he disappeared.
At this point they began chastising
me for not looking upon my creative work in
terms of financial lucrativeness for the