As the battle became more and more
strategic, I became almost like a medieval
queen trying to direct and guide the benign
army of the light, as my main purpose with
these souls was to attempt to keep from
being possessed in their idleness.
As the battle drew to an end, a
voluminous green cape was draped over my
body. Symbolic of St. Jude, the patron saint
of lost causes, I'd saved souls who otherwise
would have been lost, and my victory in
Christ was now displayed upon my spirit.
But this represented more than just the lost
cause which was won tonight, as it
represented my own soul, the ultimate lost
cause. Once, a grave sinner unaware of my
defilement, now a sinner attaining to
repentance and redemption, my love for the
Lord had saved me. Born of darkness...
into light.
But this pronouncement made
something very clear. As the souls aside me
were so easily taken over by such forces, I
saw the simplicity in which the dark side
often controls the lives of many Christians
who become benign because of their
misinterpretations of Christ's words. In their