soul into the ever present image of His love,
and to bid thy calling to thee when the time
is nigh. For whotofore may know of what is
asked, for thy soul is prepared for great
things on the Earth, not as the Earth would
perceive, but only as thy heavenly Father
might bestow."
"Upon this lot, know that thy service
is to be ministered with humility with the
attainment of knowledge fully in place, and
upon thy bough, wherever thy Lord may
send you, thou shalt go with kindness
fulfilling the work of His calling in an
energetic manner, beyond the realm of the
knowledge of mortal men to know. Thou
wilt be as a small person, unknown and
undefiled, but thy works will be done
according to His great will. Your works will
be unseen to humankind, until long after
your passing and beyond this, only when
thy Lord decrees. Such as the Lord decrees
bear witness to the grand scope of your
ministry, but they shall remain unrevealed
until the time of which the Lord shall deign
to reveal. Of this, you know the greatness of
this time and these acts."
"Seek to know the wisdom of the
ages, in this thou shalt find peace. For only