Laughing at my reply, my soul was
horribly thrown against the floor and placed
in the position that Christ was placed on the
cross. "Then you shouldn't mind dying the
way He did then, should you?" Pounding
their reptilian heels and feet into my
appendages, I continued repeating 'Christ
crucified,' the 'Our Father,' and the 'Hail
Mary.' Holding large nails which they
intended to pound through my hands and
feet, they ran out of time. Within a few
moments, the demons howls became blood-
curdling, and they began to plummet into
the depths of hell, far away from my soul
which was rising towards the heavens far
away from their bleak world. The power of
the Word had released my soul from this
affliction, and I'd emerged victorious.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Unfortunately, I awoke with some of
the signs of the battle upon my body.
"Do thou set thyself to endure tribulations,
and reckon them the best consolations; for
the sufferings of this present time are not
worthy to be compared with the glory which
shall be revealed in us, nor would they be
even if thou wert to endure them all. When
thou hast come to this, that tribulation is