skill. Bringing me to a place amongst the
crowd, I immediately recognized the face of
my challenger within it, the woman in pale
Somehow, despite my safeguards,
this serpent was still attempting to
manipulate the order. Intending to
eventually be admitted by the swami
through a very intricate disguise of her true
liaison, she had been allowed to be a part of
everything, even given status among them
just short of being initiated. Remaining
invisible, my presence was known only to
the man who had brought me.
Challenging the woman to battle, the
man prepared to reveal her true identity to
the crowds. These battles were not physical
in nature but entirely energetic, spiritual and
mental. Proving to be quite less advanced
with this aspect of mental adeptship than
she had been with speed in psycho-kinetic
flight, within less than a moment, I sent an
energetic bolt through the man to the
woman, which had sent her roaring to the
floor in a station of defeat.
Other's were now coming over to
assist this woman in getting back up, while
the crowds were rambling about the