Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1
God, if they were to present themselves
before Him with these sins, as it were, upon
them, the sins that God in His Truth sees
they would have committed if they had not
been prevented by God's watchful
Providence, turning them from paths in life
that would have been fatal to them, giving
special assistance at certain times of danger,
and in the numberless other ways by which
He shows His care for those who are dear to

.. "
Devotion for the Dying, Mary's Call to Her
Loving Children, Page 175, Paragraph 1 ,
(Christianity, Catholic, Author: Mother Mary

"In order to understand life," Chief
Joseph said, "we must first understand
Soaring to another lifetime, I was
working in an old frontier bank. Only
moments passed before a bomb exploded,
killing me instantly. As I lay in death, Chief
Joseph whispered, "Dead man's might...
and the light spread." Another light came
and suddenly I was aboard an old ship
during a massive sea storm. Preparing to
sink, we had only minutes to live before the

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