Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

be a correlation between his increasing wealth and his increasing unkindness to those
around him. I thought he would take a step back and look at what it was he was doing
to friends and family. As his mom, if anyone could or should say something, I felt it
would be me. Indeed, most people take advice from their moms as constructive, at
least as well intended. In an e-mail, I told my son that I wanted my old Dana back. I
felt like aliens had abducted my Dana and replaced him with this other person I really
did not know. I assumed he would at least think about what I had said and about what
it was, he was doing, but his response was the furthest thing from stepping back and
thinking about what I had just told him.
Dana immediately e-mailed me back: “Who the fuck do you think you are, talking
to me like that? No one talks to me that way.”
Of course, after the initial shock faded, I shot back, “I am your mother, that is
who I am, and don’t you ever forget that. I am not one of your fighters or
employees!” That was exactly my point in my initial email to him, that he was
treating people as if they were less than deserving of common courtesy and respect.
His next response was not what I had expected either. It was a good thing for him
I was on the east coast and he was in Las Vegas. I was so angered by his replies. My
blood pressure had to be at stroke level. We did not speak for an extended period
after that. This was the upshot of the changes in my son, and it seems to me partly
due to a mythology that grew up around him and that he did nothing to correct. In
fact, he seems to have helped spread these tales. It is time to set the record straight
about who Dana White was and who he has become.
Article after article spreads a myth of the early life of Dana White, how as a child
he endured without his mother or father around, how he had no male figures in his
life. In this fictional version of his life, Dana was a child left on his own in the mean
streets of South Boston and Las Vegas. This picture of his youth is certainly something
that makes for good reading but it is a far cry from the truth. The truth is Dana lived
a charmed life growing up in a family full of uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents
who were always around, who were all very close and spent holidays and vacations
together. Dana attended private school in Las Vegas, and from kindergarten until he
graduated high school, I always stayed on top of what was going on with his

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