Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

and what he had done with the UFC and the sport of MMA. One positive thing I can say
about Dana: he is very aware that the fans are the ones who have made the UFC the
success it is. He always has time for the fans and is always nice and polite to them,
and in fact, I never once heard him complain about the fans or try to avoid them.
At an after-fight party one night we were in a suite at Mandalay Bay around 4
a.m., and there were maybe twenty of us still sitting around talking. I walked over
and sat on a sofa near Dana, he was sitting in a chair next to the sofa talking with
eight or ten people who worked for Zuffa, some of the executives and their wives. I
started to join in the conversation, and had barely gotten a full sentence out when
Dana cut me off. He said, “Shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear anything you have
to say.”
At first, there was an extremely uncomfortable silence after his response to my
entering into the conversation, and everyone was just looking at each other. I didn’t
know most of the people sitting there, and I wasn’t sure if they even knew I was
Dana’s mom. Dana rarely introduced me to people. I’m not sure what that was all
about, but at this particular moment I didn’t know what to think about his
disrespectful comments to me, nor did anyone else. I thought for a brief second that
maybe Dana thought it was funny and he was just joking and it came out wrong, but
after a few seconds, I realized that wasn’t the case. The situation was extremely
awkward, and it seemed like the silence was lasting forever, so I began to speak
again. Without looking at me, Dana said, “Shut the fuck up.” Then turned his back
toward me and started a conversation with the group sitting there. I could not believe
he had just done that and it took everything in me not to have a knee jerk response
to the situation, but I graciously and with great restraint took the high road and
didn’t do or say anything in front of everyone. His disrespectful behavior catapulted
him into the total inconsiderate prick category.
I have no idea where Dana got his filthy mouth because when he was growing up I
didn’t swear in front of Dana or his sister. At times, I don’t know how he can possibly
make a comprehensible sentence with the f-bombs used as every other word.
After everyone left the party, I went to bed for a couple hours, but was still so
angry I couldn’t sleep. After a few hours of lying in bed just steaming and wondering

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