Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

why Dana would behave like that towards me, I just couldn’t lay there any longer, I
got up, showered and went to Dana’s bedroom and woke him and Anne. They were in
the second bedroom of the suite. I asked Dana why he spoke to me like that,
especially in front of other people. He said, “No one wants to hear some drunk telling
a story that they wouldn’t be interested in.” He had no idea what I was going to say.
I said, “I was not drunk.” I was flying back to Boston that day and I don’t drink
when I fly. I get airsick on planes and I didn’t need to add to it by being hung over.
The drink I had in my hand at the party was club soda with lime, no booze. Why he
assumed I was drunk, I don’t know but I told him, “that had better never happen
again,” and once again, there was no apology. That he found it appropriate to behave
in that manner, I don’t understand. The fights were over and he was sitting around
with friends talking and enjoying himself. We couldn’t blame it on stress this time.
His behavior was intentionally mean and spiteful, and so began the reign of the King
of MMA, Dana the tyrant.
When Dana first began teaching boxing aerobics classes in the gyms and clubs in
Las Vegas, one of his students was a young woman who absolutely loved taking his
classes and loved Dana. She had lost weight and gotten into terrific shape taking the
classes Dana taught. Eventually she started working for Dana in his gym, helping teach
classes and working with private clients.
When the Fertittas purchased the UFC, she moved along with Dana as his personal
secretary. She did everything for him, from running errands to paying his personal
bills to traveling with him to all the fights. When you work for Dana, you are on call
for him 24/7. He expects you to put in the same hours he does, and she did, but I can
also say she loved it. She traveled with him to all the fights and her husband had
started working for UFC as well.
At one of the early fights in New Jersey, I was speaking with her when she
confided in me that Dana had not been treating her civilly. She said Dana would
berate and belittle her in front of everyone, ranting, screaming, and swearing at her
over the slightest issue. A couple of times he had brought her to tears. I was bothered
by her comments, and I told her that was out of line for Dana to treat her or any
other employee that way. I told her she didn’t have to put up with that kind of

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