Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

In that same Rolling Stone article dated June 12, 2008, one of the fighters said,
“‘Most fighters won’t say anything critical of White.’ Then he stops to think, and what
he says next is ‘Don’t use any of what I just said. Please. I will hunt you down. You
don’t understand how this guy operates. He will destroy me.’ He’s probably right
about that. Unless you spend some time on White’s bad side, you can’t get a
complete picture of the guy and what he is capable of.”
The writer then tells how Matt Linland was fired by Dana, how Dana claimed, “He
fucked me, and he knows he fucked me.” This was all over a t-shirt Matt wore.
Obviously, it took very little to get on Dana’s shit list, and in fact half the time the
person never even realized they had done anything to deserve Dana’s wrath. Later in
that same article, the writer says, “Another person who has felt White’s wrath is his
mother. White got mad at her three years ago, some big family thing he won’t go
into, and hasn’t spoken to her since.” I could not believe Dana would tell a complete
stranger something like that and allow it to be printed in an article in Rolling Stone.
Dana’s statement and his disrespect toward his own mom was shameful. Dana told the
writer he did not want to talk about the big family thing that he and I were no longer
speaking over, and if I were Dana I wouldn’t want anyone to know what it was either.
Dana insinuated that his family had done something disrespectful to him. Where the
hell does that come from? If that were truly the case and somehow we had done
something to be hurtful or spiteful I could understand, but that was not the case.
Dana should have felt guilty and sorry for what he did. He should have apologized
to his sister and to me; but instead he went around acting as if everyone else had
done something wrong. He told people we owed him an apology for disrespecting him.
I don’t even know where that statement comes from?
Kelly, Dana’s sister, is godmother to Dana’s son, Aidan; and when her second
child, Gillian, was born, she asked Dana to be godfather. Dana said yes, but trying to
find time when Dana was free to come back east for the christening was very
difficult. Kelly had cancelled and rescheduled the christening twice after Dana told
her he had to be somewhere else on business and could not get out of the
commitment. That was not true, however. The second time he called Kelly, he told
her he had to be in Japan on business when he actually went to the Bahamas with the

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